The CBP Technique emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes.
We utilize mirror image adjusting procedures which originated from Don and Glen Harrison in the 1980’s. Our chiropractic adjustments consist of but not limited to manual adjusting, drop table adjusting, and instrument adjusting.
Structural rehabilitation can make a huge difference in the outcome of your treatment. We have adopted the CBP technique as part of our treatment model. Our structural rehabilitation consists of mirror image postural traction and cervical extension traction methods as well as strength and supportive therapy to maintain treatment progress.
As you may already know, everyone is different when it comes to nutrition. That is why we do not use a cookie cutter approach. Our team utilizes Well Aligned for nutrition for our patients. Well Aligned is a unique approach using your DNA which evaluates over 1,500 different genes to provide you with specific, personalized insights and recommendations. Every test is reviewed to help create a blue-printed plan designed to optimize your health now and into the future.
The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease.
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